Universidad glacier LANDSAT 8 analysis results
The files in this dataset are LANDSAT 8 images and maps of parameters derived from these images. Four sets of maps are included, each covering time period between 2013 and 2022:... -
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Sediment Flux with Loss on Ignition (L...
Dataset of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Sediment Flux with the Loss on Ignition (LOI) obtained from water samples in Hornsund Fjord (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Most... -
High Temporal Resolution Records of Hansbreen Ice Flow Velocity for Years 200...
This repository contains the datasets of the positions of 16 mass balance stakes, horizontal velocity (m/yr) and accuracy of velocity (m/yr) for Hansbreen, a tidewater glacier... -
Results of the geochemical and magnetic studies on cryodust from glacial core...
Results of the geochemical and magnetic studies on natural mineral aerosol deposited and trapped in glaciers (cryodust). Samples were collected from glacial cores taken from... -
Hydrometeorological dataset (2014–2019) from the high Arctic unglaciated catc...
A hydrometeorological dataset of the unglaciated Fuglebekken catchment (SW Spitsbergen) is provided. The time series includes air temperature, precipitation, potential... -
Snow depth and density measurements with different snow core samplers in HARM...
The data correspond to snow bulk density and snow depth measured with different snow core sampler in three field campaigns carried out in mountains of Turkey, Iceland and...