profile TTZ-South
Seismic traces gathered in seismic sections recorded along the profile. Seismic energy generated by explosives every 25-55 km recorded by highly sensitive portable seismic... -
Passive seismic data of the lithosphere and asthenosphere of the Carpathian Area collected under a project: Passive Seismic Studies of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere of the... -
Struktura Grzbietu Knipowicza na podstawie badaĆsejsmicznych - KNIPSEIS. Structure of the Knipovich Ridge Based on Seismic Investigations - KNIPSEIS. -
AniMaLS - Anisotropy of the Mantle benath the Lower Silesia
Seismic data set acquired by 23 broadband stations in Lower Silesia, Poland. Contains 3-component continuous recordings from ~ 2 years period, obtained in frame of a passive...