Particulate organic and elemental carbon in Svalbard snow, 2007-2018

This dataset consists in 324 measurements of elemental (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations in snow samples collected at 49 sites across the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, between 2007 and 2018. The samples were collected during a spatial survey in Svalbard conducted in April 2016, and as part of a program of surface snow monitoring on northeastern Spitsbergen carried out between 2007 and 2018. The EC and OC concentrations were measured by the thermo-optical transmittance method.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
GCMD keywords
Dataset Center
Dataset PI
  • PI name: Jean-Charles Gallet  PI ORCID: 0000-0002-6153-1361  PI Institution: Norwegian Polar Institute  PI Department: Galletfoo(at)
  • PI name: Christian Zdanowicz  PI email: christian.zdanowczfoo(at)  PI ORCID: 0000-0002-1045-5063  PI Institution: Uppsala University  PI Department: Department of Earth Sciences
  • PI name: Mats P. Björkman  PI email: mats.bjorkmanfoo(at)  PI ORCID: 0000-0001-5768-1976  PI Institution: University of Gothenburg  PI Department: Department of Earth Sciences
  • PI name: Catherine Larose  PI Institution: Environmental Microbial Genomics, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon
  • PI name: Thomas V. Schuler  PI email: t.v.schulerfoo(at)  PI ORCID: 0000-0003-0972-3929  PI Institution: University of Oslo  PI Department: Department of Geosciences
  • PI name: Bartłomiej Luks  PI email: luksfoo(at)  PI ORCID: 0000-0003-2287-385X  PI Institution: Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • PI name: Krystyna Kozioł  PI email: krystyna.koziolfoo(at)  PI ORCID: 0000-0003-1678-3647  PI Institution: Gdańsk University of Technology  PI Department: Department of Analytical Chemistry
  • PI name: Andrea Spolaor  PI ORCID: 0000-0001-8635-9193  PI Institution: Institute of Polar Sciences, ISP-CNR
  • PI name: Elena Barbaro  PI ORCID: 0000-0003-2639-7475  PI Institution: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice  PI Department: Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
  • PI name: Tõnu Martma  PI ORCID: 0000-0001-5894-7692  PI Institution: Tallinn University of Technology  PI Department: Department of Geology
  • PI name: Ulla Wideqvist  PI Institution: Stockholm University  PI Department: Department of Environmental Science
  • PI name: Johan Ström  PI Institution: Stockholm University  PI Department: Department of Environmental Science
Dataset Owner
  • Owner name: Norwegian Polar Institute  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999874643  Owner address: Framsenteret, Hjalmar Johansens gate 14, 9296 Tromsø, Norwegia
  • Owner name: Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999985029  Owner address: 752 36 Uppsala, Szwecja
  • Owner name: University of Gothenburg  Owner address: 405 30 Gothenburg, Szwecja
  • Owner name: Environmental Microbial Genomics, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon  Owner address: avenue Guy de Collongue 69134 ECULLY cedex France
  • Owner name: Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999975814  Owner address: Problemveien 7, 0315 Oslo, Norwegia
  • Owner name: Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 996625337  Owner address: ul. Ksiecia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa, Poland
  • Owner name: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999588784  Owner address: Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk
  • Owner name: Institute of Polar Sciences, ISP-CNR
  • Owner name: Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 998948293
  • Owner name: Department of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999842536  Owner address: Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn Estonia
  • Owner name: Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University  Owner PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999885022  Owner address: Frescativägen, 114 19 Stockholm, Szwecja
Licence Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Dataset status Complete
Activity type
  • in-situ measurements
  • long-term monitoring
Access constraint Open
Dataset modified
Metadata created
Quality statement Quality controlled by statistical methods
Quality Editor
  • Editor name: Christian Zdanowicz  Editor email: christian.zdanowczfoo(at)  Editor ORCID: 0000-0002-1045-5063  Editor Institution: UU
Spatial distribution { "coordinates": [ [ [ 11.38642, 78.95939 ], [ 24.25367, 79.7606 ], [ 15.82096, 77.0199 ], [ 15.13223, 77.03481 ] ] ], "type": "Polygon" }
Region Svalbard
Start time 2007-12-17 23:00 UTC
End time 2018-05-11 00:00 UTC
Dataset citation Gallet, Jean-Charles; Zdanowicz, Christian; Björkman, Mats P; Larose, Catherine; Schuler, Thomas V; Luks, Bartlomiej; Koziol, Krystyna; Spolaor, Andrea; Barbaro, Elena; Martma, Tõnu; Wideqvist, Ulla; Ström, Johan (2020): Particulate organic and elemental carbon in Svalbard snow, 2007-18. PANGAEA,
Dataset DOI
External resource
  • Publication title: Zdanowicz, C., Gallet, J.-C., Björkman, M. P., Larose, C., Schuler, T. V., Luks, B., Koziol, K., Spolaor, A., Barbaro, E., Martma, T., van Pelt, W., Wideqvist, U., and Ström, J.: Spatiotemporal variability of elemental and organic carbon in Svalbard snow during 2007–2018, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., in review, 2020.  Publication DOI: 10.5194/acp-2020-491