Dataset was collected in laboratory experiments on the settling of solid disks in a stratified liquid column with a density transition. Four types of disks, with diameter 2 mm and 3 mm, varying in aspect ratio were considered. Experiments were carried out in a rectangular transparent tank (0.10 m × 0.10 m x 0.50 m) filled with two-layered liquid - aqueous solution of NaCl. A non-linear density transition formed between the two layers of homogeneous density. A sequence of reorientations and unsteady settling of disks translating through the density transition was observed. Settling behaviour of particles was recorded using cameras with macro lenses to measure the position, reorientation and settling velocity of disks. Moreover, a dye visualization was used to observe and measure the evolution of wake behind the disk settling through the density transition.
Dataset available upon request through Zenodo repository.