Research project completion report
Summary of the project, key results and impact, as certified by local stakeholders. -
SWAT modelling Fincha watershed
Measured and SWAT-modelled data of the Fincha watershed, Ethiopia -
SWAT modelling Fincha watershed
Report on SWAT model applied to the Fincha watershed -
EM-DAT and Google Trends data on floods
Summary of EM-DAT and GT information connected to flood, for the period 2004-2023. Focus on Europe. -
Modeling best management practices to reduce future sediment yield in the Fin...
simulated sediment yeild for various future scenarios, considering different best management practices -
Past and Future Land Use/Land Cover Changes in the Ethiopian Fincha Sub-Basin
Past and simulated Land Use Land Cover changes -
Data Fincha watershed
Raw data for the Fincha watershed, covering the period 1986-2008: - Meteorological Data (Precipitation, Temperature, Relative humidity, Solar radiation, Wind speed, for ten... -
Dataset on rheological measurements of xanthan gum and carrageenan dispersed ...
This dataset contains (1) measurements of settling dynamics of spheres, disks, rods, blades, and irregular solid particles made of plastic (PS, POM, PET, PA6) with the longest... -
Dataset on rheological measurements of xanthan gum aqueous dispersions contai...
This dataset contains (1) measurements of settling dynamics of spheres and disks in non-Newtonian aqueous solutions of sodium chloride with xanthan gum addition and (2)... -
Land use land cover changes percentage in Ethiopia
Land Use Land Cover Change in Ethiopian basins during the last three decades, following the literature review summarized in "Regasa, M. S., Nones, M., & Adeba, D. (2021). A... -
Satellite images Vistula River
Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI data, all having a spatial resolution of 30 m and covering the period 1985–2017. The study area covers a reach of around 80 km... -
Bed load transport in unsteady flow - lab tests 2020
Collected data, gathered and prepared by Dr Andrzej Strużyński (URK) in the water laboratory of the University of Agriculture in Kraków. Includes one txt file per experiment.... -
Dataset of laboratory experiments on disks settling through density transitio...
Dataset was collected in laboratory experiments on the settling of solid disks in a stratified liquid column with a density transition. Four types of disks, with diameter 2 mm... -
Po River dynamics
Data used to derive the dynamics of a reach of the Italian Po River using Google Earth Engine. Digitised features:...