Timelapse photographs from Baranowskiodden to Hansbukta and Hansbreen
A set of timelapse photographs from Baranowskiodden to Hansbukta and Hansbreen. The folder names are the year (YYYY), and the month (YYYYMM). The pictures' name is data with... -
Photographs of the Glacier Cliffs in Hornsund Fjord
A set of photographs of the ice cliffs in Hornsund fjord taken at sea level, from the deck of the boat. Contains over 40 sets of images of Hansbreen and single sets of... -
Timelapse photographs from Arie to Hansbukta
A set of timelapse photographs from Arie slope to Hansbukta. The folder names are the year (YYYY), and the month (YYYYMM). The pictures' name is data with hours of capture... -
Towed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler – datasets from Hornsund Fjord
Data from towed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler from fjord Hornsund. Datasets include raw data from ADCP, a text file with positions from GPS, and Matlab file with data sets.... -
Snow melt monitoring at Fugleberget, around Hornsund, Svalbard, 2014-2016
We present a multi-year high-resolution spatial data set on snow cover evolution in a catchment located in South-West Spitsbergen on Svalbard. The data set has significant... -
Hydrometeorological dataset (2014–2019) from the high Arctic unglaciated catc...
A hydrometeorological dataset of the unglaciated Fuglebekken catchment (SW Spitsbergen) is provided. The time series includes air temperature, precipitation, potential... -
Climatic mass balance, snow conditions and runoff in Svalbard (1957-2018)
The dataset contains model output presented in the manuscript 'A long-term dataset of climatic mass balance, snow conditions and runoff in Svalbard (1957-2018)', which is... -
A 40-year High Arctic climatological dataset of the Polish Polar Station Horn...
A consistent long-term (1979-2018) dataset from the Arctic meteorological site the Polish Polar Station Hornsund (77°00'N 15°33'E), located in the SW part of Spitsbergen. The... -
Particulate organic and elemental carbon in Svalbard snow, 2007-2018
This dataset consists in 324 measurements of elemental (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations in snow samples collected at 49 sites across the Svalbard archipelago, Norway,... -
Snow depth and density measurements with different snow core samplers in HARM...
The data correspond to snow bulk density and snow depth measured with different snow core sampler in three field campaigns carried out in mountains of Turkey, Iceland and...