One-hour averaged temperature and salinity timeseries from bottom-moored inst...
Dataset consisting of continuous measurements of temperature and salinity from bottom-moored instruments. The measurements are obtained at fixed depths in varying locations... -
Raw temperature and salinity timeseries from moorings in Hornsund fjord
Dataset consisting of continuous measurements of temperature and salinity from bottom-moored instruments. The measurements are obtained at fixed depths in varying locations... -
Vertical Conductivity-Temperature-Depth -profiles in Hornsund Fjord (raw CTD-...
Dataset of vertical temperature and conductivity profiles obtained at various locations across the Hornsund fjord. Several CTD instruments have been used for data collection:... -
Vertical 1-dbar averaged temperature and salinity profiles in Hornsund Fjord
Dataset of vertical temperature and salinity profiles obtained at various locations across the Hornsund fjord. Several CTD instruments have been used for data collection:... -
Vertical Temperature, Turbidity and Dissolved Oxygen profiles in Revvatnet (r...
Dataset of vertical temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen profiles obtained from the Revvatnet, lake close to Hornsund fjord. The measurements are made with SAIV A/S 208... -
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Sediment Flux with Loss on Ignition (L...
Dataset of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Sediment Flux with the Loss on Ignition (LOI) obtained from water samples in Hornsund Fjord (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Most... -
Aerosol number concentration during Hornsund-Gdynia cruise in September 2013
This dataset presents aerosol number concentrations measured with a condensation particle counter, TSI model 3007 (0.01-1um), during Horyzont II cruise from Hornsund to Gdynia... -
Monitoring of the selected atmospheric parameters at Belsk for the period 196...
The results of daily monitoring of selected atmospheric parameters at Belsk (Central Geophysical Laboratory, Institute of Geophysics, PAS) since 1963 are included in this... -
Re-evaluation of intraday measurements of total column ozone at Belsk using t...
Monitoring of total column ozone (TCO3) at Belsk, Poland, by the Dobson spectrophotometer No. 84 have been carried out since 23 March 1963. In total, ∼ 134 000 intraday manual... -
Predictions of Numerical Earthquakes
Datasets for applying supervised machine learning to Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations of laboratory earthquakes on a numerical fault. Part 1. The dataset from 1680 DEMs... -
Time series generated by Langevin equation
Datasets used in paper: Telesca L. and Z. Czechowski, Fisher–Shannon Investigation of the Effect of Nonlinearity of Discrete Langevin Model on Behavior of Extremes in... -
Pregnancy outcome including UV radiant exposures and relative mRNA gene expre...
The dataset contains the information about pregnancy outcomes, which were registered in the University London College Hospital. -
Stratus cloud cases at Geophysical Observatory IG PAS in Swider in 2005-2015
This dataset contains lists of Stratus cloud cases observed at the Stanislaw Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences in... -
Nimbostratus cloud cases at Geophysical Observatory IG PAS in Swider in 2005-...
This dataset contains lists of Nimbostratus cloud cases observed at Stanislaw Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, in... -
Bed load transport in unsteady flow - lab tests 2020
Collected data, gathered and prepared by Dr Andrzej Strużyński (URK) in the water laboratory of the University of Agriculture in Kraków. Includes one txt file per experiment....